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Scala for Java Developers

a presentation for the

Tampa Java Users Group


Steve Waldman
2023-05-11 @ KForce (Thanks!)


Scala as bleeding-edge Java

Scala FeatureEventual Java Feature
lambdas, map(...), etc.lambdas, map(...), etc.
case classrecord
pattern matchingenhanced switch
sealed classes and traitssealed classes and interfaces
ubiquitous type inferenceinferred var type
concurrency via Futureconcurrency via Future
concrete trait methodsdefault methods of interface
_ for unnamed variables_ for unnamed variables

Scala as bleeding-edge Java

  • All these features are more idiomatic to and deeply integrated into Scala.
  • Scala arguably exists because Martin Odersky got frustrated with the slow pace of Java evolution.
  • See pizza, the 1997 prototype of generic Java

Why Scala?



  • encourages programmers to express themselves cleanly and concisely with very little boilerplate.

  • successfully blends multiple programming-language paradigms (functional, object-oriented), enabling whichever style best models a particular problem or domain.

  • combines flexible syntax with extraordinary type safety, enabling construction of "dialects" that function as domain-specific languages.

Concision — Primes in Java

public final class Primes {
  public static boolean isPrime(int n) {
    var isPrime = true;
    var max = (int) Math.floor(Math.sqrt(n));
    for (int i = 2; i <= max; ++i) {
      if (n % i == 0) {
        isPrime = false;
    return isPrime;

Concision — Primes in Scala

def isPrime( n : Int ) =
  !(2 to math.floor(math.sqrt(n)).toInt).exists( n % _ == 0 )

or, perhaps more readably...

def isPrime( n : Int ) =
  val max = math.floor(math.sqrt(n)).toInt
  !(2 to max).exists( n % _ == 0 )

I am using Scala 3 syntax!

Concision — Primes in Java, functional style


public final class Primes {
  public static boolean isPrime(int n) {
    var max = (int) Math.floor(Math.sqrt(n));
    return !IntStream.rangeClosed( 2, max )
                     .anyMatch(check -> n % check == 0 );

Pretty close!


def sendmail(to: String, subject: String, text: String)  = ???

Yuck. 🤮

Enforce everything you know at compile-time!

def sendmail(to: Email, subject: String, text: String)  = ???

The ??? function is a wonderful convenience!



opaque type Email = String

class BadEmail(msg: String, cause: Throwable = null) extends Exception(msg, cause)

// modified from 
val EmailRegex = """(?i)^\s*([A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,})\s*$""".r

def toEmail(s: String): Email =
  s match {
    case EmailRegex(trimmed) => trimmed
    case _                   => throw new BadEmail(s)

// toString() will give us back our String

No boxing or runtime overhead! One-line custom Exception!


e.g. "tagless final" style — very optional! love it or hate it!

// from Practical FP in Scala, 2nd Ed, by Gabriel Volpe (2021)
final case class Checkout[F[_]: Background: Logger: MonadThrow: Retry](
    payments: PaymentClient[F],
    cart:     ShoppingCart[F],
    orders:   Orders[F],
    policy:   RetryPolicy[F]
  def process(userId: UserId, card: Card): F[OrderId] =
    cart.get(userId).flatMap {
      case CartTotal(items, total)  =>
        for {
          its <- ensureNonEmpty(items)
          pid <- processPayment(Payment(userId, total, card))
          oid <- createOrder(userId, pid, its, total)
          _   <- cart.delete(userId).attempt.void
        } yield oid
  def processPayment(in: Payment): F[PaymentId] =
    Retry[F] // calls no-arg apply methods of Retry, finds implicit instance
      .retry(policy, Retriable.Payments)(payments.process(in))
      .adaptError {
        case e => PaymentError( Option(e.getMessage).getOrElse("Unknown") )
  // ...


The Scala ecosystem includes libraries for building concurrent, resilient, incredibly scalable services based on transformable "functional effects".

See also Tapir, an infrastructure agnostic endpont definition library.

These are libraries are challenging. End up here, but don't start your Scala journey with these tools, unless you are working with a team to mentor you.


  • Scala's best kept secret is how beautifully you can accomplish simple things very simply, while getting all the benefits of strong type safety.

  • Scala's built-in collections library is a superpower.


Li Haoyi writes beautiful libraries that emphasize simplicity. Some examples I enjoy include

  • os-lib for simple file-system and process handling
  • requests-scala, a simple blocking HTTP client
  • upickle, simple typesafe JSON processing
  • utest, beautifully concise testing
  • cask, HTTP services without ceremony

Check out all of his libraries here.

Haoyi is also the author of the mill build tool, which like all build tools in Scala is a Swiss Army knife with which you do much more than build.

Haoyi's book Hands-On Scala Programming is a great introduction for programmers interested in getting stuff done fast.


  • The full range of Java libraries is accessible from Scala code

  • You can write Java-compatible facades to make your Scala libs available to Java and other JVM language clients.

Just effing interesting

Scala is...

  • a kitchen sink / mad scientists' lab of programming language ideas

  • a metaprogramming language as much as programming language

Commune with the compiler.

olationinline, macros, and metaprogrammingtypeclasses / ad hoc polymorphismsingleton object, much saner than staticcase classinfix function notation => operator overloadingopaque typesstrong immutability preferenceNothing as type hierarchy bottomhigher kinded typesapply(...) method makes anything callablemultiplatform: Scala JVM, Scala JS, Scala nativetop-level declarationsif/then and codeblocks as expressionsstrong expressive typing with convenient type inferencerich regex supportmultiline Stringrich collections libraryflexible, concise syntaxpattern matching with deep destructuringextension methodsby-name params + multiple arg lists => user-defined control flow constructsfor comprehensions, convenient monad sequencingString interpolationinline, macros, and metaprogrammingtypeclasses / ad hoc polymorphismsingleton object, much saner than staticcase classinfix function notation => operator overloadingopaque typesstrong immutability preferenceNothing as type hierarchy bottomhigher kinded typesapply(...) method makes anything callablemultiplatform: Scala JVM, Scala JS, Scala nativetop-level declarationsif/then and codeblocks as expressionsstrong expressive typing with convenient type inferencerich regex supportmultiline Stringrich collections libraryflexible, concise syntaxpattern matching with deep destructuringextension methodsby-name params + multiple arg lists => user-defined control flow constructsfor comprehensions, convenient monad sequencing

scala-cli for Java programmers


  • a shell command, minimal-config build tool in the style of golang's multifarious go command.

  • will soon become the default scala command

    • replaces existing command modeled on the java command
  • supports compiling, running, packaging, and publishing libraries and applications, and running a REPL

  • supports graalvm native image generation

  • supports scripting in Scala

    • #!/usr/bin/env -S scala-cli shebang


  • supports Java code as well and easily as Scala code!

    • On the Java side, jbang is the closest competition, but scala-cli is in some respects easier to use, more "batteries included"
    • and of course, scala-cli supports Scala too
  • Consider prototyping your Java projects with scala-cli



  1. in scala-cli
    • output to native
  2. in scala-cli
    • let's use Apache PDFBox, dependency resolution is so easy!
    • output to JVM-dependent package
  3. HelloWorld.scala
    • cool regex handling
  4. poemalyzer
    • hit a JSON API with requests-scala to grab a random poem
    • deserialize result to case class with upickle
    • build a sorted word frequency table with Scala's Collections API
    • print a nice report

Demos — cheatsheet


Learn Scala


Recommended books:

Thank You!




  • Cover image, weird server farm — Midjourney
  • Over-under sunny ocean split shot — Bing Image Generator
  • Goofy Superhero — Bing Image Generator
  • Steampunk mad scientist's lab — Bing Image Generator
  • Headshots of Martin Odersky and Li Hayoi scraped from online profile pics


You can find the build of this presentation here.